15 facts about lefties for left hander’s day

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Left is right on August 13, which marks Left Hander’s Day.  The event started in 1992 in the U.K. and is now world-wide celebrations of lefties that also aims to raise awareness of the challenges that come with being left handed in a right handed world.

In honor of Left Hander’s Day, here are some facts about lefties

* Between 10 to 12% of the population is left handed.

* Studies show no significant difference in IQ between righties and lefties.

* Men are slightly more likely to be left handed.

* Left handedness is at least partially genetic and researchers have identified one gene in particular, PCSK6, that is involved in the early establishment of left and right in the growing embryo, though other genes may also play a role.

* Researchers think the gene is inherited through the father.in-their-right-minds-300x251

* In addition to a genetic link, researchers have also found a connection between trauma during gestation and an increased chance of being left-handed.

* Babies hand preference becomes apparent at around 7 to 9 months old, on average, but it may take until they start school to know for sure.

* Researchers believe handedness is a continuum, with strong preference for right handedness at one end and a strong preference for left handedness at the other end.

* Left-handers have lower rates of arthritis and ulcers, but higher rates of schizophrenia, dyslexia, and ADHD.

* Lefties earn approximately 10% less than right-handers.

* Researchers in Scotland did a small study and concluded that lefties feel more shy and embarrassed that right-handed individuals.

* Rumor had it that lefties were more likely to be alcoholics, but a study of 25,000 people in 12 countries found that to be untrue. Researchers found that while lefties drank more often, they did not have higher rates of alcoholism.

Research has shown that handedness is a continuum, with strong right- and left-hand preference at either end of the continuum, separated by various degrees of ambidexterity. – See more at: http://www.dana.org/Cerebrum/Default.aspx?id=39131#sthash.KSzLwo35.dpuf
Research has shown that handedness is a continuum, with strong right- and left-hand preference at either end of the continuum, separated by various degrees of ambidexterity. – See more at: http://www.dana.org/Cerebrum/Default.aspx?id=39131#sthash.KSzLwo35.dpuf

Research has shown that handedness is a continuum, with strong right- and left-hand preference at either end of the continuum, separated by various degrees of ambidexterity. – See more at: http://www.dana.org/Cerebrum/Default.aspx?id=39131#sthash.KSzLwo35.dpuf
Research has shown that handedness is a continuum, with strong right- and left-hand preference at either end of the continuum, separated by various degrees of ambidexterity. – See more at: http://www.dana.org/Cerebrum/Default.aspx?id=39131#sthash.KSzLwo35.dpuf

* Lefties are among royalty. Queen Elizabeth II, Prince Charles, and Prince William are all left handed according to Buzzfeed, probably due to the genetic link discussed above.index

* Four of the past seven presidents have been left-handed:  Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, George H.W. Bush, and Gerald Ford. Ronald Reagan is said to be ambidexterous.

* Other famous lefties include:

  • Albert Einstein
  • Charlemagne
  • Helen Keller
  • Michaelangelo
  • Amadeus Mozart
  • Leonardo da Vinci
  • Robert DeNiro
  • Bill Gates
  • Jon Stewart
  • Rafael Nadal
  • You can find more famous lefties on this Buzzfeed list.

If your child is left-handed, check out these 6 tips for raising a left-handed child and teacher tips from the Left Handers Club. Please share your own tips below in the comments.

You can find more facts about Left Handers Day on the official website here.

Sources: 12 Little-Known Facts About Left-Handers on everydayhealth.com; Left-Handedness & Left-Handed People on facts.randomhistory.com; Left Hand, Left Brain: The Plot Thickens on dana.org; and The Health Risks of Being Left-Handed on wsj.com

Left Hand, Left Brain: The Plot Thickens

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