Fast and easy 4 ingredient Black Bean Soup Recipe

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The February Freeze has made this the coldest month EVER. The use of all caps may make you think I’m exaggerating, and while that’s possible, we did hit a new record low today.  When you can count the high temperature on one hand, it’s not good. The frigid weather calls begs for a hot bowl of soup to warm you, body and soul.

Simple, 4 ingredient black bean soup recipe will do just the trick. This is the first installment in my simple soup recipe series, as I know many people are looking for meatless meal options that leave families feeling satisfied for Fridays during Lent and/or Meatless Monday.

Black Bean SoupFast and Easy Black Bean Soup Recipe


2 15 oz. cans of black beans, undrained

1 14.5 oz can broth (veggie or chicken)

1/2 cup salsa

1 T. chili powder, or to taste


If you want a smoky flavor, go ahead and add a tablespoon of cumin, too.


In a pot on the stove, combine all ingredients. Bring to boil, then reduce heat and let simmer about 20 minutes.

FullSizeRender-38 Allow to cool slight and blend to desired consistency. (I use a stick blender – that thing is awesome, and perfect for this job.)

Garnish with whatever combination of sour cream, cheese, and chopped green onion makes you happy.

I like to serve this with a tossed salad and cornbread muffins. The latter are really good crumbled over the soup.

I love this recipe so much that I used it for my block’s progressive dinner party a few years (and residences) ago. I was responsible for the soup course and I went with this black bean soup recipe. It garnered several compliments.

There was, however, one woman who was fine with the recipe but took serious issue with my blending. She was complaining to another neighbor that I had made it too smooth it for her taste and she was very disappointed. In my defense, there were so many people that the plan was for everyone to stand and sip their soup out of mugs. The space was tiny and we were all really jammed in. I thought well-blended soup would be easiest with that set up. When my neighbor had finished airing her grievances, she was a bit surprised to discover that I had been standing right beside her the entire time.

So, blend to whatever consistency makes you happy and also check to see who is standing near you before talking. Always good advice, yes?

This black bean soup recipe is also timely because February is National Canned Food Month. In honor of the occasion, here are some facts about canned food from

* Canned tomatoes have more lycopene, which is effective in helping to reduce the risk of cancer, than their fresh counterparts.

* Draining and rinsing canned food reduces sodium by up to 41%, whereas draining alone reduces sodium by 36%.

* One-half cup of canned pumpkin contains three times more vitamin A than one-half cup of fresh, cooked pumpkin.

* Most canned fruits and vegetables are packed within 100 miles of the field.

* Canned fruits and vegetables are preservative-free.

Check back next Thursday for Spicy Lentil Soup. What’s your favorite soup recipe?

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Prior post: Why I’m hoping Feast wins short animated film Oscar

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