Margarita recipe roundup for National Margarita Day

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Happy National Margarita Day! Apparently, it is not every single day, but perhaps it should be. You can learn more about National Margarita Day on its website here. This occasion calls for breaking out the limes, triple sec and tequila and answering two very important questions today:

1. Frozen or on the rocks?

2. Salt or no?

margarita dayThere is great debate over the origin of the margarita, which was in the 1930s or 40s, and you can read more about that here. The origin of the first frozen margarita machine, however, is known, and the marvelous machine invented in 1971 by Dallas restaurateur Mariano Martinez rests safely at the Smithsonian’s Museum of American History.

Regardless of their origin, the margarita has come a long way. Check out this margarita recipe roundup for National Margarita Day:

* Nor-Cal Skinny Margarita from My Crazy Good LifeNorCalMargarita

* Frozen Peach Margaritas from Martha Stewart

* Grand Marnier Margarita from Grand Marnier (why not go straight to the source, right?)

* Grapefruit Margarita from Imbibe Magazine

* Blueberry Margarita from Sweet Life

* Topolo Margarita by Rick Bayless

* Strawberry Basil Margarita from The Kitchn

* Frozen Mint Margaritas from My Recipes

* Deviled Margarita from Real Simple

* Mango Jalapeno Margarita from How Sweet It Is

* Blood Orange Margarita from The Housewife in Training Files

* Clementine Margarita from The Noble Pig

* Pineapple Coconut Margarita from Real Housemom’s

* Avocado Margarita by Disney Food Blog

* Cherry Sling Margarita from Drink of the Week

While you’re enjoying your frosty beverages, impress your companions with this random fact: “Margarita” means “daisy” in Spanish.

Salud, amigos!

margarita recipe round up

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