Friday night pizza and movie night #StreamTeam

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Hellooooooo, Friday!  So very lovely to see you again! I thought you’d never get here!

Fridays are big deal in our house. I know it’s not that way for everyone. When I called my parents and wished my dad a happy Friday, he paused for a beat and said, “Uh, thanks?” He then explained that in retirement, pretty much every day is Friday. For those us still making our way through the work and school week, though, Friday night is a celebration pretty much every single time.

So many families I know have a Friday night tradition, be it pizza night or movie night. I say, why not combine them for Friday pizza and movie night?

That’s our plan for tonight, but we’re putting a twist on the pizza part and making these Double Cheese and Pepperoni pizza nachos.


Pizza. Nachos.  Let that brilliant idea sink in. Yum, right? You can get the recipe here.

If that didn’t make your heart skip a beat like mine did and you’re feeling more traditional, the Food Network has 50 pizza ideas here to help you come up with a fun twist or stick to the classic if you’re a purist. And if you feel like letting your neighborhood pizza place provide you with a pie at the end of a long week, then go for it. Just remember to order on the early side to avoid the long Friday night wait times.

My family isn’t too picky about beverages, and usually water or milk will work, but I’m picky about the carpet in our family room. We break the rules for Friday movie night, but only when we’re using these fun mason jars with lids that tie into one of our favorite movies:

15133653I found them at Target and they made us happy and keep the spills in check. The back says “It’s all fun and games until someone loses an eye.” I know, I should probably find it freaky, but it cracks me up. At 18 ounces, they’re big enough that we don’t have to pause the movie to fill up again.

With the food and drink set, we’ll enter into some high level negotiations, I mean, come together to calmly decide what movie we’d all enjoy on Netflix. It helps if we narrow down the field first rather than choosing from all movies from all time.

For bigger kids, these are all fun ones:

Big Kids




Littler movie goers will enjoy these fun options. I admit that The Muppet Movie is my favorite. It’s so fun to share movies I loved as a kid with my kid! I’m thinking that maybe we’ll follow that up with The Muppets Take Manhattan and pair it with pizza from the new New York-style place that recently opened near us.

Little KidsAnd if you have teens, see above about sharing movies you loved at a certain age with your kids.  I can’t wait to share Ferris Bueller’s Day Off with my Chicago girl. That night will call for some fabulous Chicago deep dish pizza! Common Sense Media recommends it for ages 14 and up, so we have a little while to wait, but not too long.

Teens and Adults

On nights when it is just my husband and me, we’re still making our way through House of Cards. Frank Underwood isn’t exactly the most family-friendly guy, and the show is our fun adult escape. It is so, so good! I know we’re late to the party, but well, we didn’t have Netflix, and now that we do, we can’t figure out what took us so long. This Netflix original series alone is a reason to have it.

house-of-cards-logo-long__140604010018Hope that your Friday night is full of good food and fun viewing that lets you destress from the week while enjoying a movie or show with the people you love. I can’t think of a better way to kick off the weekend.

What are your favorite Friday night traditions and family movies?

Disclosure: I am a member of the  Nextflix Stream Team, and look forward to sharing monthly stories and suggestions about using Netflix streaming. I have received a year of Free Netflix Streaming and a Roku.  All opinions in this post are my own.

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