Five random facts about me

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I’ve read some fun posts on the internet where people share five things about themselves, and I loved the posts by my friends Galit and Kari. Here are five random facts about me.

1. I love historic old houses.

Allow me to clarify that I love looking at old houses. I thought I wanted to live in an old house, until I actually did so. Thankfully, I rented and realized that while I love looking at features that ooze charm and history, caring for them is not something I am good at doing. At all. I am now content with checking out homes that are maintained by someone not myself. All the history, none of the work.

On a summer vacation this year, I dragged my family through the tour of the Ulysses S. Grant House in Galena, IL.


That was merely a warm up, however, for the one and a half tour of the James. J. Hill House (which is actually a mansion) in St. Paul, Minnesota.


I’m an old soul, but I also loved the 80s, which might explain why I love these and also love my house, which is circa 1986.

2. For someone with not one whit of athletic ability whatsoever, I really like watching sports.

If you want to know what I’m doing on Saturday afternoon in autumn, odds are really high that it involves college football. ESPN College GameDay is must-see TV in our house.  And I love March Madness. Love. It. I’m not sure why I love college sports and not pro sports, but that doesn’t seem overly relevant here.


3. I’m not stellar at road trips but I’m trying to get better.

Somehow in my 20s I became road trip averse. I’m working at getting past that, and I’m discovering some fun things along the way, like this Orange Moose that I insisted we stop and check out in Black River Falls, WI this summer.  Seriously, who doesn’t love a ginormous orange moose?!?!? You can read the story of Torvaald and the “Magic Moose” here.

10514577_10152966385518625_7145190687128477430_n4. Disney World is my happy place, but my favorite character may surprise you.

You might have guessed that, but in case you’re new here, I buy into the idea that Disney World is the Happiest Place on Earth. I think there is something magical there. I know some people vehemently disagree, and that’s fine. It works for me and for my family and I believe in pixie dust.


You’d think with my love of the castle that I’d be a princess devotee, but my favorite Disney character doesn’t make everyone’s list, though. If forced to choose, I’ll ditch the princesses and even jettison Mickey himself in favor of Donald Duck.

10314639_10152778444793625_8325935279869496277_nThe voice alone is reason to absolutely adore him, but my love for him goes far beyond that. Let’s just say that I think Donald gets me, and both my enthusiasm as well as my lack of calmness.

5. Math scares me, but I like numbers.

If you want to really get to me, ask about how calculus went my freshman year at Notre Dame. Math is my downfall, people. It’s brutal. And it isn’t just advanced math. Ask my dad about getting me through long division in third grade. I was an English major for a reason.

That said, I like numbers. I didn’t think this was true, but my husband, the math major, has noted it on several occasions, and I think he’s right. Arithmetic isn’t bad at all, and in fact pretty helpful. I like using numbers to track behaviors and identify trends. And yes, Google Analytics and blog numbers is just one example of this though I know that numbers don’t matter. But still, they’re fascinating.


As you can see, I’m a bit of walking contradiction at times, and just a bit wacky at other ties. I think we all have contradictions or traits that don’t always match up. and exploring them means taking a deeper look at what makes us all interesting.

For example, I’m a big advanced planner but this now makes the second NaBloPoMo post that is completed without a lot of time in the day to spare. No one said we had to always be consistent, and sometimes the wacky inconsistencies can be what makes life so fun.

If you’d like to share five random facts about yourself, I’d love to read them, so please consider yourself “tagged” and your participation requested. Feel free to share a link to your post on the topic (or any other post for that matter) in the comments!

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