Fall Stitch Fix Review

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Happy meteorological fall and happy September Stitch Fix, friends! I asked for my stylist to send me some fun items to usher in a new season and help me usher in a new decade with a big birthday later this month. Check out my fall Stitch Fix review below!

Fall Stitch fix review
First, what is Stitch Fix?

If you’re new to Stitch Fix, it’s a clothing subscription service that sends you a box of 5 items that a stylist selects for you based on a few things, including a questionnaire that includes questions about your style, size, and budget preferences, what you want and what you don’t want, as well as your Pinterest board and requests you make with each fix. (For tips on getting your best Fix, go here.)

The stylists selects five items (tops, bottoms, dresses, accessories, coats, shoes etc.) and mail them to your door, so you can try them on at home and see how they work with pieces you already have in your closet.I love the chance to see what outfits I can make using items I have in my closet and making sure I don’t already have something similar. You have three days to try them before sending back any you don’t wish to keep in the enclosed, prepaid mailer.

There is a $20 styling fee that is applied to your order, and that is charged whether you keep any items or not.  If you keep all five items, you get a 25% discount on everything. You are only charged once you “check out” at Stitch Fix.

Here’s what my stylist sent in this Fix.

Donny Cowl Neck Pullover by RD Style

Donny Cowl Neck Pullover Stitch Fix
I love a good cowl neck and this makes me feel totally ready for fall –  all I need is a pumpkin spice latte and a few fallen leaves to kick. I was excited to have a camisole that worked really well to wear underneath this very textured sweater.

Verdict: Undecided

Cowl Neck sweater stitch fix

I love the textures in the sweater, but I’m a little worried that it’s a major snag waiting to happen.

Donny Cowl Neck Pullover RD Style Stitch Fix
DV8 Penny Loafer

DV8 Penny Loafer Stitch Fix

These are fine. I like the but didn’t quite fit right. While they were nice, they weren’t hugely comfortable. You can find similar shoes in faux suade a similar color on Amazon for $25 here.

Verdict: Sending back.

Crescent Healy Button Down Top Stitch Fix
Healy Button Down Top by Crescent

This top is definitely in the spirit of fall. I love that it’s long enough to wear with either skinny jeans or leggings. Also, I like that it goes with a variety of bottoms, from skinny jeans with either brown or black boots/shoes or black leggings. It even worked with khaki shorts.

Crescent Healy Button Down Top Stitch Fix
But I’m torn. It’s not bad, but it’s also not a wow, given that it’s doing nothing for my figure and maybe a little low cut? I’m also debating how it will wash and if ironing is required. I’d rather spend fall watching college football or visiting an apple orchard, not ironing.

Verdict: Undecided

Gilli Nell Jersey Dress Stitch Fix
Nell Jersey Dress by Gilli

I liked this, but didn’t love it. I appreciate the full skirt and that there was a waist, but the way it bloused on the top just didn’t do anything for already-top-heavy me. The neckline also didn’t lay quite right.

Nell Jersey Dress by Gilli Stitch Fix
Verdict: Returned

Kayla Printed Flare Skirt
Kayla Printed Flare Skirt by Margaret M

Kayla Printed Flare Skirt by Margaret M

I apologize for the shadows in this photo. This skirt is really cute, just not on me. I really wanted to love this skirt. The print and the colors are fun. I didn’t think it was amazing with the loafers but that’s the least of my issues. The diagonal seaming was not flattering. At all.

Verdict: Returned.

You can check out my unboxing video here:

Advise me, please, good people of the internet. Which top would you keep? Or should I send them both back?

You can see my Stitch Fix reviews for the past year (and evidence of my fandom and/or addiction) here:

July 2016 Stitch Fix Review

Kicking off summer with a Stitch Fix May 2016

Spring Stitch Fix Review April 2016

February 2016 Stitch Fix Review: Valentine Edition

January 2016 Stitch Fix Review: Stylish hibernation is a thing, right?

Stitch Fix Review November 2015

Stitch Fix Review September 2015

This post contains affiliate links, which mean I get a few cents when you sign up or make a purchase.

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I received no compensation for this post. If you sign up for Stitch Fix using my referral link here, I get a couple dollars toward my next fix and you get immense gratitude. Thank you!











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