7 Facts about honey

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Today I’m at Make It Better magazine where you can find me discussing “Good Reasons to Get Sweet on Honey.” Here are some fascinating facts about honey, the golden liquid.

NHB-bears-wallpaper-1680x1050_270_169_75_c11. Honey can be healthy! Soybean honey from Illinois is unusually high in antioxidants, according to Dr. Gene Robinson, the director of the Bee Research Facility at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

2. Parents need to be careful when it comes to feeding honey to babies. Children under 1 year of age should not ingest honey because it can be a source of spores that cause botulism poisoning in infants. It is safe for kids older than a year, though.

3. Buying honey at the farmer’s market is good for the bees. The more honey they sell, the more money they have to put back into their beekeeping operations.

4. The United States produces more than 300 kinds of honey.

5. There isn’t much scientific research to support the belief that honey helps with seasonal allergies, but there are people who swear by it. If it works for you, even if it is somewhat psychosomatic, relief is relief and I say go for it.

6. Honey is good for your skin. Olympic volleyball champion Kerri Walsh Jennings shared her basic honey oatmeal honey face mask on the National Honey Board’s website here.

Image from the National Honey Board
Image from the National Honey Board

7. Honey is tasty! The National Honey Board offers a wide array of yummy honey recipes here. (I’m definitely going to try Brownie Sundaes with Honey Berry Sauce before summer is done and then I’ll test out the delicious-sounding Honey Pumpkin Bread this fall, which uses honey in place of sugar.)

You can read the full article and get more facts about honey here.

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