On Erma Bombeck and achieving goals

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I adore Erma Bombeck. She is one of my favorites.erma

I love her writing and her fabulous perspective on life, and parenthood in particular. She made it possible for people like me to be writing about parenthood and suburban life. Though she was published in newspapers, not online, and she passed away before the blogosphere became huge, her impact is still very much felt. She found humor in the truth of every day life, in the ordinary. She’s still such an important presence for writers, so much so that registration for the Erma Bombeck Writers’ Workshop closes in a matter of hours because so many writers wish to attend.

I was fortunate enough to be one of the attendees this spring, and today I’m thrilled to featured on HumorWriters.org, the website of the Erma Bombeck Writers’ Workshop.

You can find my post here.

It’s a big day for me. I’ve been featured once before, last month, talking about my banana taxi experience on our summer vacation.

But this – this is the second time I’ve been featured. This means that the first time was not a complete and total fluke. This means that I may actually be humorous.

I love that these posts are about things I experiences I think Erma would appreciate and write about herself. A random vacation moment. The daily part of being a parent. This honor of being featured in this space makes me feel like I may be accomplishing my goal of finding the funny in the every day, something Erma was so very good at doing.

And to see my photo on the same website as Erma’s photo?

Well, that’s a whole other accomplishment. It sounds silly, and probably not at all humorous, but it made me a little verklempt. I’m trying hard to feel worthy (especially because rereading my piece made me cringe and I found several items I would change). I am humbled. And honored. And appreciative.

I’m so very grateful to my mom who introduced me to Erma, to my husband who made my attendance at this spring’s workshop possible, to my kiddo for providing lots of good writing fodder, to those who have supported me when I’ve been both a bad and unfunny writer, and to Teri Rivzi and the people at the Erma Bombeck Writers’ Workshop. I hope I can make you all and Erma proud.

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