Does your child have this very important school supply?

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With school now in session across the country, most of the school supply shopping is done. But there’s one very important school supply that costs nothing but can be invaluable – a library card. Does your children have their own library card? If not, now is the perfect time to get them one!

September is National Library Card Sign-up Month, and the American Library Association has secured a pretty cool Honorary Chair to spread the word – Snoopy! He’s not just the Flying Ace, he’s also the Literary Ace.PEANUTS_WEB_PSA_375x474

A lot of teachers ask kids to do free reading time as part of their homework, and the library and the children’s librarians can be such a great resources for finding wonderful books. Studies show that children who are read to in the home and who use the library perform better in school.

Speaking of homework, the library can be a great place to get homework help generally, and some have more specific programs geared to what’s going on at school. I love that ours also offers science fair help. Students can turn to the library for materials, programs, and knowledgeable library staff that support academic achievement.

Even if your child isn’t in school yet, chances are your library has a great storytime and other activities to introduce little ones to the librarian and start fostering a life-long love of books and libraries. I found a trip to library was a great way to find something new when I felt like I couldn’t read the same book for the 15th million time.

I’m sure you know that the library goes well beyond books, and is a great resource for DVDs, music, and technology.

A few ways that we’ve enjoyed our library recently:

  • Downloading “Cheerleader” and other popular songs my daughter loves for free.
  • Checking out (both literally and figuratively) the “Magic Mike” DVD a while back. Yup, I did. And I’m not ashamed. Well, maybe a little ashamed, but I saw it on the “hot new titles” shelf and thought it was too appropriate, and it’s such a fun story to say I picked it up at the library!
  • Attending a movie making class. Sadly, it was for teens, but my daughter and her friend had a great time and shared their wisdom (and info sheets) with me.
  • Laughing at an improv class. Again, for teens (can you tell my librarian’s teen department rocks?) but the small part I got to see was great. (Random note: My daughter loved it so much, we enrolled her in an improv camp for one week over the summer, and it was a total bust. The library program made her far happier. You do not always get what you pay for, especially when it comes to the library.)
  • Books. Yep, I’m old school and still check out books from the library.

So, round up the children and head to the library to get carded.

You May Also Like: 9 Fun facts about public libraries

Prior Post: What kids want in books, and how to help them pick great ones

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