Disney Shout! app review: Fun for the whole family

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On our past few visits to Disney World, my family has had lot of fun playing the app Heads Up! while waiting in line for rides. I always felt a little bit guilty, though, because it doesn’t feature all that many Disney movies or stars and it is a bit over my kiddo’s head. It worked for passing the time, but it wasn’t ideal. I knew that something more Disney would be right up her alley and wished that it existed. Disney-Shout-app-logo

Little did I know that Disney as already on it, and when I was asked to do a Disney Shout! app review, it quickly became clear that Disney had developed exactly what I had been looking for. The app came out July 9, so it’s new and a quick and fun way to keep kids from declaring that they’re bored and an easy way to enjoy some fun family time together.

This new app gets families and friends laughing, guessing and playing no matter where they are. This app is great for a road trip, waiting at a restaurant, waiting in a long line or even at home.

There are three different games within the app that involves holding up the phone or iPad.

  • Shout!– Listen to clues and guess the word on the card!
  • Favorites!– Guess each other’s favorite answers to comical Disney questions!
  • Spot!– Choose a spot in a picture from a beloved Disney classic. See if friends and family can guess what you chose!

Each player “spins” a wheel and it picks which game, so it’s possible that you’ll play something different with each player’s turn. The variety is really nice, and of course we had our preferences, with Shout! being the family favorite and Spot! being a close second.disneyshoutapp

Disney Shout! was a big hit with my family when we played at home after a late dinner – not enough time for a full on game night, but still time for fun. Disney Shout! fit the bill and provided lots of laughs for all generations playing – it nicely captures the Disney fun that appeals to the kid in all of us.

The sounds were surprisingly fun on this app, from the sound you get when spinning the wheel, to the narrator reminding you to flip your phone over for a new screen. It’s possible my husband and daughter were heard singing “Give it a flip!” in a very silly voice several different times this weekend.

It gives you photos rewards depending on your performance and they were pretty funny, too, with a chance to take some fun Disney-themed photos of those playing.

The Disney Shout! app is available on iTunes for $0.99 and a comes with the starter pack with Mickey and Friends.

When you first download the app, a screen pops up to explain, “This app contains in-app purchases. In-app purchases cost real money and are charged to your account. To disable or adjust the ability to make in-app purchases, adjust your device settings.” It’s worth paying attention to this because the opportunity to buy new packages at around $3.99 does appear, and they feature some favorite Disney friends ranging from Baymax to Cinderella, which makes it very tempting. Be sure to review what the family rules are about in app purchases with your kiddos.

Disclosure:  I was given a code for this app free of charge so that we could test it out and see what we thought.  I received no other compensation from the app provider. The opinions expressed are my own.

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