April Fools’ Day tricks and pranks to play on your kids

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April Fools’ Day is drawing near. You can find some fun facts about April Fools’ Day as well as some of the more notable pranks in recent memory here.

I confess that I am not a great prankster, so I’ve rounded up April Fools’ Day ideas for parent to trick their kids from those who are much better at it and funnier than I am.

april fools day tricks

5 Easy April Fools Pranks For School-Aged Kids from My Crazy Good Life
My favorites: Supergluing the snack bag shut, and the unsolvable word scramble is good, too.

31 Awesome April Fools’ Day Pranks Your Kids Will Totally Fall For from Buzzfeed
My favorites: Freeze your kids’ morning cereal. Say the principal called. (Love that this requires nothing but acting skills.)

Looking for April Fools Day Pranks At Home? from Desert Chica
My favorite: Drawing on family photos in frames using dry erase marker.

21 April Fools’ Pranks to Play on Your Kids from Popsugar
My favorites: Taking batteries out of the remote, and stuff tissues or toilet paper into the toes of your kids’ shoes.

Family-Friendly April Fools’ Day Pranks from Parenting
My favorite: Turning the house (or as many things in it as you can) upside down.

Also, it’s worth noting that all jokes are funny to everyone and to consider your kid carefully before proceeding. (Not that I know anything about this as an oversensitive person myself.) My Crazy Good Life shares her list of April Fools’ Pranks to NOT Pull on Your Teen.

Is April Fools’ Day big in your house? What are some of your favorite tricks?

Prior Post: My family’s 6 favorite things to do at Disney Springs

You May Also Like: No kidding! True facts about April Fools’ Day

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