2018 Printable Christmas scavenger hunt clues

Table of Contents

A Christmas scavenger hunt is a tradition my dad began when I was a child and it’s one I’ve continued for my daughter and shared on the blog. Find all the past printable clues here. All the clues are intended to take you to a different location around the house. We realize that not all houses have all these spaces, but we’ve tried to make them as universal as possible. If you don’t have a location, just take that clue out. Feel free to mix and match clues from different years,  or give each kid their own hunt.

Without further ado, here is this year’s scavenger hunt, with answers at the end should you need them. Your holiday to-do list is long enough, so scroll down to find the PDF that you can download and print to make your hunt as easy and fun as possible!


When all the kids write letters to Santa, the North Pole experiences a mail barrage.
Your next clue can be found somewhere less busy. Go look in the ______.

This scavenger hunt sends you around the house as if you’re solving a caper.
But here it takes an unexpected turn – go check where we keep the toilet _____.

Rudolph is the only reindeer with the glowing nose. There is no replacement.
Go subterranean and find the next clue in the ________.

With toy production in full swing in December, there’s not time for elf colds or other issues
But even if you don’t have the sniffles, check inside a box of ______.

Love and magic abound at Christmas, of this we are certain,
Check on the inside of a window _______.

Tall and lovely, the Christmas tree looks quite statuesque.
Admire it, but keep searching, looking underneath where you write – at the ____.

Getting tired? Stay strong! Keep going! Don’t give up hope!
Think good thoughts and keep it clean, so look under the ____.

To load the sleigh with all the toys, the elves need to have a well-thought out plan,
Working hard they may get hot, so check for the next clue on a cooling ___.

You’ve been all over the house but you’re not done yet. This next clue isn’t under any chairs,
But you may need to look high or low for the next clue, it’s somewhere along the ______.

The elves have worked hard to craft great toys for many, many yules.
They don’t need our hammer or nails, but you should check where we keep the _____.

Oh, that Santa, with his laugh and twinkling eyes, a right jolly old elf is he,
You may be jolly yourself to know what you seek is underneath the Christmas ____.


Toilet paper (hey, now you know they know where it is and there’s no excuse for not putting on a new roll!)
Christmas tree

PDF that you can download and print:

Click here to download and print a PF of the 2018 Christmas Scavenger Hunt from Between Us Parents.


Happy hunting, and merry Christmas!

Prior Post: Why my holiday wish list includes the Gift of Responsibility




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