The 12 Days of Christmas with teens

Table of Contents

Christmas changes a bit when you’re parenting a teen.  The anticipation around Santa is gone, replaced by anticipation of finals. Teens are a little more focused on getting the perfect gift for their significant other or best friend than what they plan to get their siblings. Rather than dreading all the time off school, you welcome it as a break as much as they do and know that you don’t have to constantly entertain them.

With all these shifts in mind, it felt like it was only appropriate to update some favorite Christmas carols to more accurately reflect what the holidays look like now that there’s a teen living under our roof.

Here’s a new version of The 12 Days of Christmas, or rather, what it’s like to experience the 12 days of Christmas with teens. (Be sure to hum the tune in your head as you read!)

On the twelfth day of Christmas, my teenager gave to me

12 dramatic eye rolls
11 forgotten items
10 shoulder shrugs
9 ignored requests
8 cups in their bedroom
7 perfect selfies
6 slammed doors
5 social media apps
4 heavy sighs
3 asks for money
2 undone chores
1 huge mess in their bedroom

Feel free to pin this for later or print it out to give to friends who are right beside you in the trenches of raising adolescents.


What classic Christmas carol would you like to see updated next? Maybe Here We Come A-Snapchatting?  Or O Come, All Ye Hormonal? Let us know in the comments!

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